APPENDIX 5(See Chapter V Article  103)
List of items of contingent expenditure requiring countersignature after payment
Sl.No.         Head of account
(1)(2)1 239. State Excise 2 251. Public Service Commission
3 (a) 252. Secretariat General
Services &

253. District     Administration
(b) 214. Administration of Justice
4 254. Treasury   and Accounts,Administration—Local FundAudit, Establishment
5 256. Jails
Item of expenditure
Petty construction and repairsCharges Incurred by Collectors of Districts in connection with theexamination conducted by thePublic Service CommissionAmounts advanced by CommittingMagistrates to witnesses to attendCourts of Session
Amounts paid by Second and Third Class Magistrates to com-plainants and witnessesAll charges incurred by District Inspectors
1. Dietary charges
2. Medical and sanitary
3. Clothing and bedding
4. Transport of prisoners
5. Livestock, tools and plants
6. Other charges
7. Rent
8. Stationery
Countersigning authority
(4) Board of RevenueSecretary,  Public Service Commission
District and Sessions Judge
Sub-divisional Magistrates
Examiner, Local Fund Accounts
All Jails viz. Central Prisons,Open Prisons, District Jails, Special Sub Jail and ‘A’ Class Sub Jails are under the direct control of the Jails Departmentand so the Inspector General of Prisons or any other officer towhom the powers are delegated.
(a) QuinineInspector General of prisons Manufacture and Chief Inspector of Certified
(b) Other }                                                      Schools
 All charges

 (i) Purchase of live and deadPaddy specialist in the case of thestock and cost of land Research Stations at Pattambi,
(ii) Other contingencies—Work-Tirukuppam and Maruteru ing expenses, rates and and the District Agriculturaltaxes, rents and other petty Officer in charge in other cases supplies
(i) Purchase and distribution ofseeds, manure, etc., cotton,green manure, ploughs andimplements, other miscella-neous, seeds and manure
(ii) Experimental  cultivation—  Deputy Director of AgricultureDemonstration charges mis-in charge of the Division cellaneous experiments
(iii) Public  exhibition and fairs—Exhibition charges
(iv) Scheme  for the control ofpests and diseases of crops
(v) Seed  multiplication scheme
Bills for amounts required to meet Inspector General of Police the Railway freight charges forarms, ammunition and other storearticles received from the arsenalsand ammunition depots
6   256. Jails (c) Jail Manufactures
7 305. Agriculture—ExperimentalFarms—AgriculturalResearch Stations
Agricultural demonstrationand propaganda including public exhibitions and fairs8 255. Police
Sl.No.         Head of account Item of expenditure                                                                            Countersigning authority
(1)    (2) (3)    (4)
9 310. Animal Husbandry—Breed-Charges relating to the mainten-Director of Animal Husbandrying Operations ance of breeding bulls, purchase of for the abstract bills drawn bylivestock, purchase of dead stock, the livestock Developmentrepairs and upkeep, maintenance Officer, Livestock  Developmentof cattle, coolies, labour, etc. Officer for bills drawn by the Farm Manager in charge of other Cattle Breeding Farms
10 320. Industries—DirectionBills drawn by the Inspector of In-Director of Industries and dustrial Schools Commerce
District Engineers All Charges
11 277. Education—Examinations— All Charges Director of Technical EducationGovernment Examinationby the Board of TechnicalEducation
12 288. Social Security and 1. Dietary chargesWelfare 2. Medical and sanitary Inspector General of Prisons
3. Clothing, beddingor any other officer to whom the
4. Transport of inmatespowers are delegated in respect
5. Livestock, tools and plants of borstal school, balamandirs
6. Other charges                                                and remand homes
7. Rent, rates and taxes
8. Stationery
G.O. (P) 1108/79/Fin.,  dated 24th December 1979

1 comment:

  1. Kerala Contingency Fund Act was passed in the year ________.
    Correct Answer:- Option-C
