APPENDIX 10(See Chapter IX, Article 253)
Rules for the grant of immediate relief to the families of employees who die in harness
1                     Purpose.—This relief is given in the form of an advance toenable the family of a Non-Gazetted Officer/Gazetted Officer who dies while in service to meet the immediate requirements, if in the opinionof the Head of the Department/Office, the family concerned has beenleft in indigent circumstances upon the death of the employee on whomit was dependent and is in immediate need of financial assistance.
2                     Amount of the relief.—The advance is limited to 5 months’ basic pay of the deceased or Rs. 2,000 (Rupees two thousand only) which-ever is less.
3                     Eligibility.—The families of all Non-Gazetted/GazettedOfficers (including work establishment staff and full-time contingentemployees) who die while in service shall be eligible for the relief.
4                     Beneficiaries.—(a) In the case of a regular employee, who waseligible for retirement benefits, payment will be made only to theperson or persons nominated by him or otherwise eligible (i.e. wherethere is no nomination) to receive the death-cum-retirement gratuityin the same proportion as they are entitled to. Rules 75 and 79 to 87 and 139, Part III, Kerala Service Rules will be relied on in decidingthe claimants.

(b) In respect of a member of the work establishment staff anda full-time contingent employee who is eligible for gratuity, theadvance will be paid to the member/members of his family entitled toreceive payment of gratuity.
For the purpose of rule (b) ‘family’ includes the following relations of the officer:
1                     Wife, in the case of male member.
2                     Husband, in the case of a female member.
3                     Sons.
4                     Unmarried and widowed daughters.
5                     Brothers below the age of 18 years and unmarried orwidowed sisters.
6                     Father.
7                     Mother.

Items (3) and (4) above will include step children.
(c) In cases where the deceased was not eligible for either death-cum-retirement gratuity or gratuity but was eligible only for provident fund, theadvance may be disbursed to the person or persons entitled to receive it underthe Provident Fund Rules applicable to the case.
  Substitution [G.O. (P) 203/84/Fin.,  dated 11th  April, 1984]
In all cases, an undertaking should be taken from the person orpersons concerned before the advance is disbursed, that he/she or theyagree to the amount being adjusted against the arrears of pay,death-cum-retirement gratuity or gratuity or provident fund as the casemay be, ultimately payable to him/her or them.
1                     Sanctioning authority.—The Heads of Departments/Offices will sanction the advance.
2                     Payment.—As it is important to provide the relief in time,Heads of Departments/Offices shall be empowered to use for thispurpose the imprest or other resources available with them. If theimprest or the other resources are not sufficient to cover the paymentthe Head of Department/Office should draw the amount from theTreasury on a simple receipt in Form T. R. 42.

The advance will be drawn in establishment pay bill/contingentbill forms enclosing copy of the sanction and disbursed to the payee (s)specified in the sanction order.  The fact of payment of the advance in this behalf should be noted in the Last Pay Certificate sent to theAudit Office along with the papers relating to death-cum-retirementgratuity or similar other payments. In cases where the submission of the Last Pay Certificate has been dispensed with, the fact of paymentof the advance should be indicated on page 3 of the pension applicationform (Form 6) or in the letter forwarding the pension papers or papersrelating to any other payment to the Audit Office.
The expenditure will be debited to “T. Deposits and Advances—Part III Advances not bearing interest (i) Departmental advances (a)Civil Advances—Objection Book Advances to other Officers”. Copiesof sanctions will be communicated to the Accountant General and shall contain the following particulars:
1                     Name of the employee (Non-gazetted/Gazetted).
2                     Designation and office in which the person was last working.
3                     Last pay drawn (permanent and officiating).
4                     Length of qualifying service.
5                     Amount of advance sanctioned.
6                     Name of the payee(s).
7                     Adjustment of advance.—The Heads of Departments and offices shallsee that the advance is adjusted as early as possible, and in any case within aperiod of six months from the date of sanction. If the amount of death-cum-retirement gratuity or similar other payments is less than the advance ini-tially sanctioned and the balance as eventually to be treated as non-recover-able, the same shall be debited to ‘71 Miscellaneous (e) Irrecoverable Tempo-rary loans and advances’ and written off under special orders of Government.

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